Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Friday, August 29, 2008

Weigh In!!!

Wow! Let me tell you, it's been a great 3 weeks! I have found my motivation and I am just gonna go with it! The last 3 weeks have been so great for me in many areas of my life. I found something to work towards and it's just making me push and push. Normally when I was doing Weight Watchers, the day after the weigh in, I'd give myself a break. I'd eat whatever I wanted in huge amounts. Then I would end up blowing it for a few days and have a hard time getting back on track. This time it's different. I'm not giving myself those cheat days. I don't want those cheat days! I never thought I would ever say that, but it's true! Before I started working on losing weight, we had decided every payday we would go to Dairy Queen for dessert. That would be this week-end, but I don't even have the urge to go! I want to keep working on eating right and exercising, which I'm starting to get addicted to! I guess if there's something I should get addicted to, exercise should be the thing. :) I've been working out everyday for the last 24 days, without missing a day. I'm doing the 3 mile Walk Away the Pounds workout, but I think I'm ready to push it a little more. It's becoming easier for me, so I need a challenge. Last night I also walked 4 miles at a very fast pace. I'm to that point of wanting to jog, but still not comfortable doing it in public. :) So for now I'll just keep walking and working out at home. I did 21 miles on the WATP workouts plus the 4 mile walk, so that's not bad for a week! I have had so many challenges come up as far as eating, like the WOE fair last week-end, having the kettle corn booth straight in front of me, the ice cream to the left and the cotton candy straight across the path, going to Eugene and eating out and today going to the bowling alley. But I have succeeded at every one! Today I had one chicken strip and a salad with water for lunch at the bowling alley. I always get the big, fat juicy hamburger with tater tots and a big Pepsi, sometimes 2, but not today. I can't see throwing away the 15.6 pounds I've already lost to just eat a greasy meal. I met someone that has given me the motivation to lose weight, and I am so thankful for that! I've been struggling for 4 years to get this far, and to have this kind of positive attitude, it's so worth it now that I've found that urge to work at it. I am 5.7 pounds from my 10% goal, which is a huge thing for me. I'm also at that 30 mark as far as my BMI, which puts me on that border between just being overweight and obese. I can't believe that I've actually been considered obese, but the fact that I'm so close to the overweight mark, it's really a huge thing for me. Next week I will be below 30, and I'm hoping in 2 weeks I'll hit my 10% goal. I also measured myself which I was anxious to see the results, because I've been wearing jeans all week that I haven't been able to wear in over a year. Today it was my Levi's, which was a really good day! I love my Levi's, so it made for a happy day getting dressed. :) I have lost 9.5 inches total this month. I measured my bicep (times two), neck (someone told me to measure there because you lose that too, which I did), chest, waist, hips and right thigh (times two). So 9.5 inches and 15.6 pounds, that makes for a happy day! But I didn't celebrate by eating something good. I celebrated by eating healthy and thinking about the next month, what I can do. I might break that 190 mark in the next month, so I can't give up now! I'm ready to kick this fat for good! So here's a big thank you to that person that gave me the motivation!!! THANK YOU!!!

By the way, I altered my weight stats a little. A friend of mine said to take my highest weight for the month and use that as my starting point. It was in the middle of the week, but I started weighing myself on Friday's after that (well, officially weighing myself, cause I get on that darn scale everyday, sometimes more than once just to see where I'm at.) :)

8-5-08 (212.6) (Start) (BMI: 32.3)
8-8-08 (209.2) (-3.4) (Total loss -3.4) (-1.6%) (BMI: 31.8)
8-15-08 (203.8) (-5.4) (Total loss -8.8) (-4.1%) (BMI: 31)
8-22-08 (201.2) (-2.6) (Total loss -11.4) (-5.4%) (BMI: 30.6)
8-29-08 (197) (-4.2) (Total loss -15.6) (-7.3%) (BMI: 30)

So until next week, happy (healthy) eating and maybe I'll see some of you out walking in the evening!

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