Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Working Out

Wow, what a difference the last few days have made! Today was day 5 of working out. Normally I take Sunday's off from working out, but today I had the urge to actually get up out of bed after a few short hours of sleep (about 4 cause I couldn't get my brain to turn off last night...again) and pump it up a notch! Instead of the 2 mile workout, I did the 3 mile, which is a 45 minute aerobic workout. I haven't done that one in over 5 years! And when I felt like I couldn't keep going, I pictured my goal in my mind and pushed even harder. And I feel so awesome right now! A little wobbly, but better than I've felt in months! A little motivation from pretty much a complete stranger, who I only talked to once I think. And that's all it took for me. Now I have it in my sights what I am going to do and I'm going for it! In the last 2 days I have actually lost 2.5 pounds! And my stomach actually has lost some of it's bulge! I've decided to cut back on the carbs a bit. Instead of a sandwich, I just ate the tuna straight out of a bowl. It's the little things like that that I have to work on. But I know I can do it now. I have my goal set and I hope to be there and see the results in a few months. It'll be awesome when I get there! So, to anyone who is fighting to lose weight, just wait, your time is coming! It will hit you like a ton of bricks when you least expect it!!!

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