Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Well, I've been so obsessed with myspace lately, I've been ignoring the blog that everyone else can see who's not on myspace. :) Not a whole lot of new stuff has been going on, just the typical family stuff and working on the yard a little here and there. I've lost a bit of my ambition as far as the yard goes. We were so gung ho the first few weeks of nice weather, I just got burned out. So now I'm trying to get refocused on it, but it's hard. We're also having some issues with the contractor who owns the lot behind us. He decided to tear down a section of the fence to rebuild it on part of our lot, but he did it without telling us. So there's been some stress there.

I'm also at kind of a low point in my life right now with my self esteem. I've been trying and trying to succeed at Weight Watchers, but for some reason I just can't focus. So I've decided to take a break from it, and just try things on my own once again. I'm actually doing better the last few days. We even had a potluck for the last night of bowling tonight and I controlled myself really well. I was actually really impressed with myself on my eating. I didn't even fill my plate! I think I was putting too much thought into WW, but not enough common sense. So I'm working on it. Maybe one of these days I'll be skinny again. I'm needing that self confidence boost. I think being a stay at home mom has affected me a little too. I have fallen into that whole scene of "I don't have to go to work, so why bother fixing myself up everyday". So I've decided even if I don't go anywhere, I'm gonna start taking care of myself again. I'm gonna fix my hair and do as I would if I were heading out to church or somewhere nice. It's amazing how much it's made me feel better the last few days. I know, it sounds kind of stupid, but hey, if it works, I'm all for it. I'm just hoping that I get back to being skinny and have it boost my emotional state. It's amazing how being over weight makes you feel really crappy all the time.

Well, enough about that. Just had to vent in writing a bit I guess. :) I hope you are all doing well and having a great summer! I would love to hear from anyone I may know out there! Till next time...

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