Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fair Food!!!

Well, today was the biggest challenge of the year for me I think. The County Fair. Normally when we go, I completely indulge. I have a corndog, Pad-Thai meal (lots of bad food!!! But tastes so good!) I have cotton candy, kettle corn, a licorice rope, elephant ear and several really big Pepsi's. Oh, ice cream too. So yes, I pig out completely. Well, today I went in with a goal in mind. Not to eat that much!!! I planned on having maybe a bite of everything, just to get the taste. And I did awesome! I had my 2 eggs for breakfast before we went and then a fat free, sugar free mocha on the way. We walked around for a couple hours before getting lunch. While 7 other people around me enjoyed whatever they wanted, I was good. I had chicken on a stick. So there wasn't much to it. Chicken and a little bit of sauce. And the chicken was about the length of a corndog, but very thin. I drank water. As for the treats, I had one bite of elephant ear, a small one I might add, one small bite of cotton candy, 3 pieces of kettle corn, yes only 3. Chris offered me a bite of chocolate covered frozen cheesecake...and I turned him down!!! I drank water the entire day. No Pepsi at the fair! So we left and I was so proud of myself!!! All this plus the walking, plus my 3 mile workout this morning before we left. We ended up going out for pizza at Abby's with Chris' parents. That was challenging. I was so hungry by then, cause it had been about 4 or 5 hours since I'd eaten. So I got a salad and put a little bit of dressing and 3 croutons on it. Not too bad. I did get a Pepsi, but it was a lot of ice and I only drank about 3/4 of it, and it wasn't a 32 oz, maybe a 20 oz??? And I had one small piece of pizza and 2 bites of another. I did so great! I'm really proud of myself today. This was a challenge that I was afraid I was going to fail. But I kept my motivation in my mind all day and it worked!!! I can't wait to see my final weigh in on Friday morning! I weigh myself everyday, so I know where I'm at, but I'll wait to surprise you all on Friday with the total. :) It's gonna be good, that's all I can say!

Anyway, I just had to share, because this was the very first time I have eaten good at the fair. It was a huge milestone for me!!! So until Friday...

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