Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

School starts tomorrow!

Well, I'm getting a little nervous! Tomorrow is Kassie's first day of pre-school! I'm not entirely sure how she will do. She clung to me like I was a life preserver yesterday at the orientation, so we'll see how it goes tomorrow. She is talking about it, and is very excited, but when it comes down to it, I think she'll freak out. Thankfully, one of the ladies from our church nursery who happens to work at the school, who Kassie knows and loves, offered to take her from me and calm her down if she panics. So that's a big relief. And I know the teacher personally, so that makes it a little easier for mom. :)

Gabe is going to be a big 2nd grader. He doesn't want school to start. I think he likes sleeping in and being able to play all day. He said he wishes he was back in pre-school because it was more fun. He must realize that the older you get, the less play time there is. :) So check back tomorrow for a picture of my cute little munchkins and a report on how they liked it!

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