Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Weight loss

Well, this is my first post about my weight loss. I've been avoiding the subject. :) I started Weight Watchers (again) on January 1st, thinking that "this is it". This would be the time I do it and do it right. Well, I was wrong....again. I've fought it for the last 8 1/2 months and I'm tired of it. I got rid of all my size 16 & 18 jeans when I finally lost enough to fit into my 14's. But now my 14's are REALLY tight. I'm to that point of almost not being able to zip them up. So I've decided that I really need to focus on my weight loss. I have been psyching myself up the last few hours. I think that's why I didn't sleep well last night. I was ready to start apparently. :) Last night before bed, I made my goal list for the day, but missed my first one. I was so tired from not sleeping that I just couldn't force myself out of bed at 5:30. But I met my second goal. I took Kassie out in the stroller and went for a 20 minute walk. And let me tell you, it almost killed me on the way back. We have some little hills coming back and pushing a 30 lb. kid in a stroller is a little tougher than I thought being out of shape. :) But I made it. I'm thinking it's around a mile, but I'm going to drive it today to find out for sure. I got home, stretched and did 30 crunches. Then I came in and made up my little log sheet that I'm posting in the living room. It's got all my info on it, weight, BMI, 10% weight loss goal and how much weight I have left to lose. Not a pretty picture. Especially after I had lost 16.9 lbs. at one point and as of today when I got on the scale, I have gained every single ounce back. Talk about depressing. I'm exactly where I was on January 1st. So it's time. I'm going to try to add some graphs that I have on my website to here, so bear with me if they don't turn out the first time! I'm still new to this. :)

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Smiley, don't feel bad - I'm having the same problem. I started WW in May and I'm only a few pounds away from my starting weight. It's so hard to stay on track especially when the kids want to go to the ice cream store. I hate paying for the online program when I'm not even using it but I can't seem to get back on track.
