Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Well, I now know how easy it could be to fall back into my old ways. Friday after my weigh in I decided to treat myself a little. I had a couple of waffles for breakfast, then the kids & I went bowling and had lunch down there. So I had a really yummy cheeseburger and fries, with a Pepsi, then I never made it to the store, so we decided to go out for Chinese food for dinner. Now, I didn't eat as much as I used to, but I did eat more than I have in a while and felt stuffed. Then to top it off, we went to Dairy Queen. I just got a small Blizzard, but it was bad nonetheless. So yesterday when I stepped on the scale I about flipped out. I had "gained" almost 4 pounds! I know it was just all the sodium from the Chinese food, but still! That was really scary to see! And to think I used to do this all the time. If I kept eating like that everyday, I'd gain that 31 lbs. back in no time. So yesterday I was very careful how I ate and this morning I have lost all but .1 of it. So I feel better, but it's definitely a wake up call. I can't go back to my old eating habits, that's for sure.

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