Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I have to say, I love the delivery and installation guys!!! Talk about perfect timing! The delivery guy pulled up, and as soon as he was done unloading it off the dolly, the contractor walked in the door. They both made my day!!! And guess what? The oven works! And it's beautiful! I of course had to add a picture, cause it's so beautiful! Actually, I had to add three, cause even the knobs are fancy! And it's all digital for the oven. The kids are already begging me to make a cake today. They've been deprived for 3 months now. :) I've never had an oven this fancy before, and the best part about it is I didn't have to pay a dime! Actually, the best part about it, is I'm done dealing with the warranty company (as long as they send me my money for the installation, that is). Guess I better get busy reading the directions so I can bake that cake.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hey! I think that is just like mine except mine is black.
The knobs are neat but... they hook pockets sometime so watch out.
It is a wonderful stove and you will love it!!