Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Weight Watchers

Hi all! It's been a while, but I've been busy so I have a good excuse. :) The house is coming along very slowly. We've been going places constantly and been just plain busy, so not much is getting done. But, I did make a decision a few days ago. With a little convincing from my friend Gina, I went back to Weight Watchers meetings tonight. I keep going up, up, up, so it's time to make a change. I feel really good about it this time. I set my goals tonight and I already wrote down what I'm going to eat tomorrow. And I have a big challenge tomorrow night. We're having the church ladies Christmas party tomorrow night, and there will be LOTS of good food. So I'm bringing a veggie tray and my bottle of water. I plan on filling my plate with nothing but veggies. I'm going to eat something with protein before I leave, so I'm not tempted to indulge while I'm there. This is my first goal. I'm 100% sure that I will be able to stick to it, because I've written it down and told myself over and over that I will do this. And I bought some Diet Pepsi Maxx last week and it's in the fridge ready for me. I enjoyed my regular Pepsi tonight though. :) But it's all over after tonight. I'm breaking the Pepsi habit now too. So I might be kinda cranky for a while, but in the long run it'll be great. So I'm posting my stats once again, and I can't believe I'm actually going to do it, because it's embarrassing. I'm at my highest weight ever, besides when I was pregnant with Kassie. But I want you all to see how well I do at WW this time. So here we go:

12-6-07 (208.6) (Start)

My 10% goal is 20 lbs. so that will be 188.6. My goal for WW is 163.6, or 45 lbs. Then meetings are free if I maintain it for 6 weeks. :) I would love to get down to 150, but right now I'm going for a good loss just for this week, maybe even 8.7 so I'll be under 200 again. It's been a while. :) So wish me luck, pray for me and give me any suggestions you have to make this successful for me this time!!!

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