Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Weigh In

Well, I'm at it again. Gaining. :( I managed to gain more back, so I have officially started back on Weight Watchers. I managed to actually lose 1/10 of a pound on Ladies Retreat, but I gained even more at home. Go figure. This doing it by myself just doesn't cut it for me. So yesterday I started back on WW. I actually did pretty good, I even went to Wendy's for lunch and still stuck to it. So far today I've done good. I'm even trying to kick the Pepsi habit again. I went and bought a small one today, just so I wouldn't get the caffeine head-ache. So here are my stats:

9-12-07 (204.8) (Start)
9-19-07 (201.8) (-3) (Total loss -3)
9-26-07 (203.1) (+1.3) (Total loss -1.7)
10-3-07 (202.4) (-.7) (Total loss -2.4)
10-10-07 (202.3) (-.1) (Total loss -2.5)
10-24-07 (204.4) (+2.1) (Total loss -.4)

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