Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Weigh In

Today snuck up on me. I realized last night that today is my weigh in day. I completely forgot about it! Whoops! But it wasn't bad, so I'm relieved, especially after my husband keeps bringing home desserts from the new Italian restaurant in town that he is working two nights a week at! It's a good thing it's only two nights a week, that way I can limit him. :) He says he won't stop until he's tried everything, but she keeps adding stuff, so it'll never end! I controlled myself last night though. I told him I only wanted a bite, not half of it like he was going to give me. So that's all I had. And boy, was it a good bite. I think it was pumpkin cake with cream cheese filling. Yum! Anyway, I did lose this week, not as much as I had hoped, but considering everything going on, I did good. I ended up losing .7 lb. That puts me at a 2.4 lb. loss. I have decided to try this on my own. I'm not going to do Weight Watchers for now. I just don't have the time or the patience for counting points right now, which is stressing me out, so I'm doing myself more harm than good. I know the basics, so I can kind of judge what I'm eating throughout the day. I'm going to do a lot more with chicken and vegetables, less carbs and try to fit some exercise in there somewhere. So we'll see how I do without Weight Watchers. I ended up not being challenged last week because the Pampered Chef party got cancelled. So that wasn't a problem. But all the eating out was. I'm really going to work on that. Especially this week-end. I'm going on our church ladies retreat, so I have set myself some goals. I'm going to take a case of bottled water, that way I'll be drinking that mostly. I also bought a 12 pack of Diet Pepsi Maxx, so that'll help with the caffeine withdrawals. I'm going to try to quit drinking Pepsi again. The week-end will be filled with chocolate too, so I bought some Rolos, but I'm going to limit myself to a certain amount per day, maybe 5??? I'm not sure yet. I'm thinking of getting some snack stuff that I know is good for me, like those 100 calorie packs. Last year I ended up gaining 5 lbs. during the retreat. So I'm going for a loss this year. I'm hoping the Subway is open again (it burned down last year so it was closed). That way I can eat there tomorrow night, not at the place with the yummy hamburgers. I don't want to be tempted with those. They have some really good walking trails at Sun River, so I'm thinking I might get out and walk a little every day too if I have a chance. So those are my goals. I really hope I can stick to them, cause I want to prove that I can lose some weight at ladies retreat! :) Wish me luck, pray for me and check back next week to find out how I did!

9-12-07 (204.8) (Start)
9-19-07 (201.8) (-3) (Total loss -3)
9-26-07 (203.1) (+1.3) (Total loss -1.7)
10-3-07 (202.4) (-.7) (Total loss -2.4)

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