Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Weigh In

Well, tonight was a great weigh in! I ended up losing 5.4 pounds! Now, had I not gained last week, this would have been an even better loss. But I'm on the right track. I stayed focused all week long and didn't touch fast food. I cut way back on the pop, even drinking diet!!! That's not a normal thing for me. For those who know me well, I can't stand diet. But I put on a new attitude, and things went well, as you can see by the loss. My WW leader made a huge deal out of it tonight at the meeting too, so that really helped. I went and got my Taco Bell fix and had some ice cream, but I'm ready to start my week right tomorrow. I have a whole new attitude about weight loss this time around. I blew up some skinny pictures of me and posted them on the fridge, so if I feel the need to eat something bad, I just look at those pictures and realize where I want to go this year with my weight and I walk away. I haven't been eating whatever I want. I just walk away and drink a glass of water and I'm good after that. So I'm really proud of myself. Here are my current stats:

12-6-07 (208.6) (Start)
12-20-07 (207.8) (-.8) (Total loss -.8)
1-3-08 (211.2) (+3.4) (Total gain +2.6)
1-10-08 (205.8) (-5.4) (Total loss -2.8)

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