Smiley's Weight Loss

Smiley's Downhill Slide

Chris' Weight Loss

Chris' Downhill Slide

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Trying again...

Well, I tried in November to get back on track. It didn't work too well. So now I'm trying again. I will continue to try until I get it right. I'm up over 20 lbs. still & way out of shape! The out of shape part is bothering me more than the weight part I think. My muscle tone is gone. I'm starting, well, I am, flabby again. My clothes are tight, I've gone up a size & refuse to go up any more sizes! I worked too hard before to lose the weight, only to gain all of it back. I'm still down over 25 lbs. total from the start of my weight loss journey. So it's not a total failure. Just a temporary set back. But I plan to conquer it!!! I just have to get back into those good eating & working out habits again. Wish me luck!

Oh, and I just got done with a 4 mile workout. So I think that's a pretty good start after working all day too!

1-31-10 (186.8) (-.5) (Total loss -25.8) (-12.1%) (BMI: 28.4)
1-1-10 (187.3) (+1.1) (Total loss -25.3) (-11.9%) (BMI: 28.5)
12-1-09 (186.2) (-1) (Total loss -26.4) (-12.4%) (BMI: 28.3)
11-1-09 (187.2) (+15.3) (Total loss -25.4) (-11.9%) (BMI: 28.5) (Starting over)

3-11-09 (164.4) (-7.5) (Total loss -48.2) (-22.7%) (BMI: 25) (Week 31-lowest)
2-5-09 (171.9) (+5.6) (Total loss -40.7) (-19.1%) (BMI: 26.1) (Week 26)
1-1-09 (173) (-.7) (Total loss -39.6) (-18.6%) (BMI: 26.3) (Week 21)
12-4-08 (172.1) (-0) (Total loss -40.5) (-19%) (BMI: 26.2) (Week 17)
11-7-08 (176.8) (+1.2) (Total loss -35.8) (-16.8%) (BMI: 26.9) (Week 13)
10-3-08 (185) (-2.7) (Total loss -27.6) (-13%) (BMI: 28.1) (Week 8)
9-5-08 (195.7) (-1.3) (Total loss -16.9) (-7.9%) (BMI: 29.8) (Week 4)
8-5-08 (212.6) (Start) (BMI: 32.3)

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